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  Iqbal and Sille are best friends and have always lived next door to each other. Their street must undergo urban regeneration and Easelman and The Swine will unluckily be in charge of the project. For the construction project is in fact a cover to get their hands on the oil they have discovered beneath Blågårdsgade. Iqbal and Sille must now fight against the villains and get the money to buy back their building, so they don't have to move away from each other. When Iqbal discovers a chip with magic energy, the kids manage to convince Easelman and The Swine to buy the chip so they can reclaim their building. But the villains deceive the children, and now Iqbal, Sille and the grown-ups in Blågårdsgade must put in every effort to retrieve the chip and expose the villains' secret plan.
Chip Majors是路易斯安那州的州长。在总统推举年,他是副总统地位的第一候选人。可怜的是,他从前的暗中机密困扰着他,乃至牵动了国度平安局。他发明不只要为本人的政治生活而奋斗,乃至是为了生命。
小巨人 3D
A short about what happens under and around us. A chipmunk and a small mouse go on an adventure; they grow and learn about life and its obstacles.
With this new series Andrew Graham-Dixon returns to Europe taking us on a journey into the captivating watery world of the Low Countries and its art. This small myriad of regions we now know as Holland and Belgium produced some of the most celebrated names in art: Van Eyck, Bosch, Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Mondrian and Magritte. As he travels by canal boat and of course by bicycle Andrew reveals just how important the Low Countries were in key moments in the development of western culture - the birth of oil painting in the late medieval ages, the triumph of the Dutch golden age, and the onset of polarizing modern art movements surrealism and abstraction. This is not the story of one nation, but of fluid, ever-shifting boundaries and the search for identity in an area that has always been politically contested. EPISODE ONE: The first episode will be about how the art of Renaissance Flanders e册ved from the craft of precious tapestries within the Duchy of Burgundy into a leading painting school in its own right. Starting his journey at the magnificent altarpiece of Ghent Cathedral created by the Van Eyck brothers Andrew explains their ground breaking innovation in oil painting and marvels how the colours they obtained can still remain so vibrant today. Andrew will describe how in the early Renaissance the most urgent preoccupation was not the advancement of learning, humanist or otherwise, but the Last Judgment. People believed they were living in the end of days; a subject popular with preachers and artists and intensely realized in swarming microscopic detail by Hieronymus Bosch. EPISODE TWO: In the second episode Andrew explores how the seemingly peaceful countries of Holland and Belgium – famous for their tulips and windmills, mussels and chips - were in fact forged in a crucible of conflict and division. He will examine how a period of economic boom driven for the first time by a burgeoning and secular middle class led to the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th Century. Andrew travels to Delft and Amsterdam to demonstrate the striking contrast between two of its greatest proponents, Rembrandt and Vermeer (one famed for his breathtakingly realistic domestic street scenes, the other for explosive rapid brushstrokes and raw colours, best exemplified in his contentious magnum opus – The Nightwatch.) Radically different in style, both men were united by the realization that they must become innovators in business as well as masters of their craft. Yet boom also meant bust - and in a story with very modern echoes they ultimately shared the same fate, financial destitution. EPISODE THREE: Following a brief period of decline, the third episode will look at how the entrepreneurial and industrious region of the Low Countries rose again to become a cultural leader in the modern age; how despite its small and apparent insignificance when stood up against the powerhouses of Europe it produced important forward thinking artists like Van Gogh, Mondrian, Magritte and Delvaux who changed the face of art forever. In this episode Andrew’s exhilarating journey takes us to a remote beach in North West Holland which inspired Mondrian’s transition to his now renowned abstract grid paintings.
该剧由Zach Galifianakis主演,而且由Galifianakis !Louis C.K. 跟Jonathan Krisel (Portlandia的导演)独特创作。重要描写Galifianakis表演的Chip Baskets,盼望成为一名受人敬佩的小丑。在 巴黎一家没人报名的有名小丑黉舍被踢出校后(噗,没人报名另有名个噗啊),Chip独一找到的任务,倒是在加州当一名牛仔。该剧第一季为10集,筹划在2016年首播。
衰女翻身 第一季
报告男配角Ned Chipley出身因产生不测而时智力受限,在第四次实验参加水师掉败后,他跟离家出奔的美女Tally Petersen组队,监督一群年青人,他俩错以为他们是恐惧分子,可怜与领土平安局扯上关联。
Fish, a fish, is desperate to e册ve into a landling. Chips, a cat, would like to return to his privileged lifestyle. Both of them need a talisman to achieve their goal. Unfortunately they are fighting for the same one, a magical bone.