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深奥众多的外层空间,湛蓝的地球与深不见底!黝黑一片的宇宙造成光鲜比较。一台附属美国的空间站,数名宇航职员正直接太空散步,对所属卫星做着例行检讨。初上太空的瑞安·斯通博士(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)在教训丰硕的宇航员麦特·科沃斯基(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)的帮助下,井井有条地检讨每一个部件。此次是科沃斯基退休前的最后一次飞翔,他幽默幽默地活泼着团队的气氛。就在此时,休士顿总部传来骇人新闻,未多少前即将放弃俄罗斯卫星被导弹击毁,碎片以超越枪弹的速率在地球轨道上散开,并不测击中其余卫星,惹起连锁反响制作了新的碎片。瑞安一行受到碎片重创,有的错误可怜身亡,而她跟科沃斯基得到掌握坠入宇宙深处。幸存的二人不得不相互信任,拼尽尽力朝向家乡行进……©豆瓣
7组竞争者共14人分离空降到温哥华岛的北部,每组的两个队员一共能够挑选10个生活设备,并中分设备。每组中须要挑选一人下降在营地,另一人则下降在间隔营地16km(1 - mi)的处所并须要靠指南针徒步到营地。每自我都能够在任何时光退出游戏,同时另一名组员也会自动被退出游戏。假若有组员由于受伤而退出,那么与自动退出游戏一样。保持到最后一组的两名成员掉掉落50万美金。供给的设备:1 - pair high leg Hunting boots1 - Pair water shoes (crocs/sandals/keens)1 - T-shirt2 - fleece or wool shirts (hooded or unhooded)1 - wool sweater3 - pairs wool socks2 - hats (brimmed, wool or baseball)1 - bandana or shemagh or buff/face mask2 - Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one leather work style glove)2 - pairs underwear1 - warm outdoor jacket1 - rain jacket1 - rain pant1 - pair thermal underwear (long top and bottom)1 - pair of gaiters1 - leather belt (or synthetic equivalent)1 - toothbrush1 - pair of eye glasses (with proof of prescription)1 - personal photograph1 - Multi-seasonal Sleeping Bag (should be a minimum of a -10 - degrees Celsius rating and synthetic)1 - Fixed Blade Knife1 - Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must have plastic handle)可选设备:每组选出10种*Each Team may select 10 - items from the following list (5 - items per person).*Participants may only choose up to 2 - Food items each.*Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 - of each item listed per Teammate.*The Hunting Items are limited to 1 - of each item listed per Team.Shelter12x12 - ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved)8 - mm climbing rope - 10M550 - parachord - 20m1 - hatchet1 - saw1 - axBedding1 - bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover)1 - sleeping pad1 - hammockCooking1 - large pot (no more than 2 - quarts; includes lid)1 - steel frying pan1 - enamel bowl for eating1 - spoon1 - canteen or water bottleHygiene1 - bar soap1 - 8 - oz tube of toothpaste1 - face flannel1 - 40 - m roll dental floss1 - small bottle bio shower soap1 - shaving razor (and 1 - blade)1 - towel (30” x 60”)1 - combHunting (Note: only 1 - item can be chosen between each pair of participants)1 - 300-yard roll of a single filament fishing line / 25 - assorted Hooks (no lures)1 - primitive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of wood)1 - small gauge gill net (12' x 4' with 1.5" mesh)1 - slingshot/catapult + 30 - steel ball bearings + 1 - replacement band1 - net foraging bag1 - 3.5 - lb roll of trapping wire3 - lbs of one solid block of saltFood2 - lbs of beef jerky (protein)2 - lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs)2 - lbs of biltong (protein)2 - lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars)2 - lbs of chocolate (Simple/complex sugars)2 - lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins)2 - lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m's and peanuts)2 - lbs of flour (starch/carbs)1/3 - lbs rice/ 1/3 - lb sugar / 1/3 - lb of saltTools1 - pocket knife1 - Leatherman multi-tool or similar1 - sharpening stone1 - roll of duct tape or 1 - roll of electrical tape1 - small shovel1 - small sewing kit1 - carabineer1 - LED flashlight1 - pair of ice spikes
铠武活泼的舞台是在一个新兴都会。以伟大企业为中心,经济非常繁华,但是却有种闭塞的感到,于是年青人经由过程跳街舞遣散烦闷的氛围。在这些年青人旁边,暗地里风行着一种经由过程lock seed呼唤小植物Invase,并让它们相互战役的游戏。这些小植物Invase在游戏直接中会从翻开的“异天下之门”现身,但是通往“异天下”的门却开端在天下各地开启,招来了威逼人类的危急。从异天下涌现的怪物毕竟是!它们的目标是!假面骑士铠武将怎样挽救全人类的危急!他的敌手骑士的运气会是!在混沌的古代社会,为贯彻信心而战,几乎就是假面骑士的战国时期。用娇艳的生果lock seed变身,厚重感满溢的骑士战役要开端了!
Sir Charles Baskerville dies at the entrance of his manor, and Doctor Mortimer says he died of natural causes. However, when telling Sherlock Holmes of the case, he feels Sir Charles' death was a result of a centuries old curse that runs in the Baskerville family, which Dr. Mortimer feels will strike at Sir Charles nephew, Sir Henry, who is arriving to claim the Baskerville estate. Holmes sends Dr. Watson in his place, along with Dr. Mortimer and Sir Henry, to the manor and for Watson to keep an eye out for any suspicious actions. Immediately after arriving, Watson notices the queer occurrences at the estate and surrounding moors, and sends Holmes reports of what is going on concerning the life of Sir Henry. Will Holmes arrive in time to unravel the mystery, and who is responsible for Sir Charles' death and the attempted murder of Sir Henry? Is it Dr. Mortimer, neighbor Stapleton, butler Barryman, harmless old Frankland, a mysterious wild man, or is there a curse on the Baskerville family? Very good opening entry in the Rathbone-Bruce Holmes series (even though this film lacks qualities of any ongoing entries.) The film could have been a bit more darker and foreboding (the film does have a movie studio set feel) and have an ending with a little more confrontation to it, but it does provide for much fun. The romantic scenes with Greene and Barrie have little spark, but there are very good red herring performances by the cast, which is a plus for this movie. Rating, 8.
从地球出生之初,一种奇异的生物便涌当初这颗蓝色的星球上。他们一直退化!演变,终于成为咱们所熟习的小黄人的样子模样。小黄人们终生寻觅罪恶的老迈,以成为他的下属为荣,然而千百万年来的尽力终极化成一场空。阅历了一段久长的沉静,名叫凯文的小黄人决议再度上路,他带着酷爱音乐的斯图尔特!成事不足败露不足的鲍勃,漂洋过海离开了1968年的美国。三个小家伙偶尔据说奥兰多行将召开“善人大会”,于是忙不及地赶了从前,而且鬼使神差成为女魔头斯嘉丽·杀人狂(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 配音)的侍从。很快斯嘉丽交给他们一个义务,那就是盗取英国女王的王冠。 不知轻重的小家伙们笑哈哈地出征,期待他们的将是史无前例的大冒险……