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冬天,蒂妲絲雲頓拜訪落腳於法國小山村四十餘年的挚友約翰伯格,兩人散步於靄靄白雪的村莊!或深或淺地,在小屋中聊起童年記憶與歷史承接。春天,透過凝視動物,經歷一場人類與動物關係的思辨。炎天,於山村中跟三兩藝術家漫談當代政治,佐以舊時影片!音樂,摸索藝術怎样述說政治。秋日,蒂妲再度帶著孩子拜訪約翰以及約翰之子,在視野遼闊的山村生涯中,發現傳承的意念存在於所觀看的每一片風景。四部短片象徵四序的更迭,而山村的風景!動物!生涯則是年復一年的循環,體現約翰口中[無窮延长的此時现在]。他的思惟及人生觀與陈旧的農舍!青葱的綠地!放牧的牛群相呼相應,說著這個天下方圆人物风物的故事,阿爾卑斯山裡的小村莊,則是最诱人的舞台。(以上來自2016台北金馬影展)The Seasons in Quincy is a feature-length documentary film in four parts by the Derek Jarman Lab at Birkbeck, in collaboration with Til da Swinton, Christopher Roth and Colin MacCabe. Together, the parts constitute a film portrait of John Berger, the British writer and thinker.In 1973 - Berger abandoned the metropolis to live in the tiny Alpine village of Quincy. He realized that subsistence peasant farming, which had sustained humanity for millennia, was drawing to an historical close. He determined to spend the rest of his life bearing witness to this vanishing existence, not least by participating in it. Berger’s trilogy Into their Labours chronicles the peasant life of this Alpine village and its surrounding countryside. Our portrait places Berger in the rhythm of the seasons in Quincy.The four parts of the film each address different strands of Berger's life and work. The first, Ways of Listening, directed by Colin MacCabe, deals with fathers and friendship. Spring, directed by Christopher Roth, considers Berger's writing on our relationship with animals in juxtaposition with the animals that surround him in the Haute Savoie. A Song for Politics, directed by Colin MacCabe and Bartek Dziadosz, reflects on politics through a conversation between Berger, Colin MacCabe, Ben Lerner, Akshi Singh and Christopher Roth. The last part, Harvest, directed by Tilda Swinton, revisits Quincy to meditate on belonging and continuity with John and his son Yves.來自http://www.jarmanlab.org/the-seasons-in-quincy-four-portraits-of-john-berger.html
冬天,蒂妲絲雲頓拜訪落腳於法國小山村四十餘年的挚友約翰伯格,兩人散步於靄靄白雪的村莊!或深或淺地,在小屋中聊起童年記憶與歷史承接。春天,透過凝視動物,經歷一場人類與動物關係的思辨。炎天,於山村中跟三兩藝術家漫談當代政治,佐以舊時影片!音樂,摸索藝術怎样述說政治。秋日,蒂妲再度帶著孩子拜訪約翰以及約翰之子,在視野遼闊的山村生涯中,發現傳承的意念存在於所觀看的每一片風景。四部短片象徵四序的更迭,而山村的風景!動物!生涯則是年復一年的循環,體現約翰口中[無窮延长的此時现在]。他的思惟及人生觀與陈旧的農舍!青葱的綠地!放牧的牛群相呼相應,說著這個天下方圆人物风物的故事,阿爾卑斯山裡的小村莊,則是最诱人的舞台。(以上來自2016台北金馬影展)The Seasons in Quincy is a feature-length documentary film in four parts by the Derek Jarman Lab at Birkbeck, in collaboration with Til da Swinton, Christopher Roth and Colin MacCabe. Together, the parts constitute a film portrait of John Berger, the British writer and thinker.In 1973 - Berger abandoned the metropolis to live in the tiny Alpine village of Quincy. He realized that subsistence peasant farming, which had sustained humanity for millennia, was drawing to an historical close. He determined to spend the rest of his life bearing witness to this vanishing existence, not least by participating in it. Berger’s trilogy Into their Labours chronicles the peasant life of this Alpine village and its surrounding countryside. Our portrait places Berger in the rhythm of the seasons in Quincy.The four parts of the film each address different strands of Berger's life and work. The first, Ways of Listening, directed by Colin MacCabe, deals with fathers and friendship. Spring, directed by Christopher Roth, considers Berger's writing on our relationship with animals in juxtaposition with the animals that surround him in the Haute Savoie. A Song for Politics, directed by Colin MacCabe and Bartek Dziadosz, reflects on politics through a conversation between Berger, Colin MacCabe, Ben Lerner, Akshi Singh and Christopher Roth. The last part, Harvest, directed by Tilda Swinton, revisits Quincy to meditate on belonging and continuity with John and his son Yves.來自http://www.jarmanlab.org/the-seasons-in-quincy-four-portraits-of-john-berger.html
American psychologist John Holden arrives in London to participate in a symposium aiming to expose witchcraft and devil-worship as a fraud, with attention centered on a cult run by a Julian Karswell. Debarking his plane, Holden learns that the symposium leader, Henry Harrington, has suddenly died and he is now in charge. What only the audience knows is that Harrington was clearly killed by a demon, apparently summoned by Karswell to avenge his persecution. Despite both threatening and cajoling behavior by Karswell, Holden determines to proceed, though the only cult member willing to talk about his experiences is in a prison psychiatric ward, catatonic after allegedly killing yet another cult member. However, Harrington's niece, Joanna, believes, based on her uncle's notes, that Karswell may indeed have some satanic powers derived from an ancient tome in an obscure language which he has been able to translate, and attempts to warn the skeptic Holden. Karswell's mother also attempts to warn Holden off. However, the thing which begins to most get to Holden are the occasional, but mounting, sensory and mental disturbances he begins experiencing after an encounter with Karswell, and the discovery that, during this encounter, Karswell secretly slipped a slip of parchment with a curse in runic symbols on it into Holden's belongings, a parchment identical to one Harrington recorded having had passed to him in a similar manner shortly before his death... [N.B. Holden at no point stays at the Karswell estate].
遇见 2017
David Wenham's feature film directorial debut is a touching love letter to Sydney. This World Premiere is an improvised experiment about the random meeting of two strangers.Conceived, workshopped and shot in just ten days, Ellipsis begins with an accidental meeting between Viv (Emily Barclay; Prime Mover, 2009) and Jasper (Benedict Samuel) on the streets of Sydney. The two literally bump into each other, leading to conversation, a coffee and a nightlong adventure. They travel through the city from Bondi to Kings Cross, from a sex shop to bars and parks revealing more to each other and growing closer. Reminiscent of Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise, Ellipsis is refreshing and a great deal of fun, taking full advantage of its improvisational, loose nature. It's an affecting and longing love letter to Sydney at its most seductive: at night.